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    B&R Industrie-Elektronik GmbH

    Norsk-Data-Str. 3


    +49 6172 4019-0

    One tool Automation Studio 4 A single uniform programming tool for every aspect of an automation project minimizes training needs, solidifies overall integration and eliminates communication problems between engineering disciplines. Cut development costs Save time and money by starting software development before the hardware is completed, reusing software modules across multiple projects, validating functionality via simulation and carrying out commissioning module by module. Reduce lead times Accelerate time to market with automatic code generation from machine simulations, utilization of configuration data from electrical engineering software and efficient collaboration supported by breaking down software development tasks into modules. Improve reusability System-supported, fully graphical hardware configurations and software modularization at every level facilitate the development of machines and systems that take advantage of pre-programmed technology components.

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